Friday, July 30, 2010

Technorati-Adventure #14

Technorati, found at, is a website phenomenon that is transforming the blogging world and making it more accessible. Technorati uses tags like education, technology, web 2.0, to help bloggers or blog readers find entries that suit their reading interests.

Do I think that elementary school teachers would be interested in using Technorati? I doubt it. The reasoning behind my assumption: Time constraints. Elementary school teachers have a hard enough time keeping up with all the TAKS-related information that they have to assimilate. State testing in Texas seems to consume most of the teacher's time, whether at the elementary or high school level.

School librarians do not have the luxury of time either. Summer would seem to be the only time that librarians would be able to search Technorati for interesting blog postings.

Do I think Technorati is worth looking into? Definitely! I didn't even know Technorati existed until this Web 2.0 class; I believe it is worth introducing to the teachers/librarians; then, when they have free time (Insert big smile here!) they can explore the site on their own.

Technorati also lets you "claim your blog." When you submit your blog to Technorati, they will evaluate it to see if it is worth being included in Technorati's blog search. You have to remember, however, to include tags at the bottom of each post. (I just saw the area for labels at the bottom of this post-big Duh for me!) I guess better late than never.

So, until next time techies.....I will keep you posted on my blog claim.

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