Friday, August 13, 2010

Adventure #16 Wikis

I am trying to complete my 23 adventures by Sunday, my deadline.......scary thought; however, I have been inundated (don't you just love big words?) with a lot of other technology woes. I just found out yesterday that I would be getting a new circulation system for the library. It isn't hard to do, but when you haven't had any formal training, you need time to "play around" with it. I also created a website for my husband and his friend. (They have a cover-band) I have been learning about domain names and google analytics. So, even though I haven't been solely concentrating on the 23 adventures, I have been venturing out into uncharted territory. Okay, enough dramatics!

Some of these adventures tend to overlap; so, I hope I don't repeat myself. Wikis are collaborative websites that allow users to add, delete and edit content created by any of the registered users.The wiki website that I researched is PBworks, found at The PB wiki is an easy to use wiki for elementary school implementation. In addition, the teacher can sign up as many as 100 students under him/her without the students needing email addresses.

4th graders, in Texas, are tested in writing; so, this would be a good tool for editing and peer feedback. This would also be a good resource for story writing across grades, as well as collaborative research projects. I can envision a state or country project!

PBworks is not filtered in our district which is a plus. I am just hoping that I can get the teachers to jump on the PBworks wagon with me. If not, then I will set up one for the library for an on-going research project....maybe a road trip! Who doesn't like road trips?

Better venture on. The next adventure is the same as this one: Wikis. So, wait a few minutes and come back. There will be another entry.

If you want to see my website creation, go to Sounds like I'm promoting right? Until next time, techies....

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